๐Ÿ“šView Quotes

You can view all of your quotes using the "Estimates" tab.

If you'd like to view quotes for one specific customer, select "More Details" next to that customer in your customer list from your "Home" page.

This view will show all quotes you have requested, even if the company you requested a quote for has not yet purchased or had a trial. It will also show quotes that you have received in the past who may have purchased through a different reseller/partner.

Quote Summary

On the main screen, the quote number, create date, expiration date, and quote amount are available at a quick glance.

You can use the search bar and search by quote number or company name.

View Quote Details

Select a quote to view the quote details.

Once the quote has been selected, the quote details are available on this screen, including any discounts that have been applied, and options to pay.

Request a Revision, Approve and Send Purchase Order, or Approve and Pay Online. Use the tabs below for more details ๐Ÿ‘‡

Request Revision

If you need to revise a quote, select "Request Revision".

A box will appear where you can enter your revision request details.

Enter the request and then select "Confirm Revision".

The notification below will confirm that the revision request has been received.

The sales team will reply with a revised quote within one business day.

Last updated